The slipper style flats are from Primark. I had bought a leopard print pair a few months ago which got completely wrecked and started falling apart as I wore them with everything! I was pleased to find they'd come back into stock, and in loads of different colours too, so I got some new ones, and some black ones as they'd match everything too. For £6 they do only last a few months but you get what you pay for I guess! ..and they look so similar to more expensive ones from Topshop ect!
Leopard Print Blouse - £22.99 (£20.69 with student discount)
Dark Red Skinny Jeans - £16.99 (£15.29 with student discount)
Aztec Blazer - £14.00 (were £27.99)
Studded Leggins - £6.00 (were £14.99)
I picked up a lot of bargains on my trip! I couldn't get my 10% student discount off the sale items but I saved £4 overall which isn't bad! I loved this leopard print blouse as soon as I saw it, I thought I could dress it up for nights out or wear just with jeans and a wooly scarf for uni. I've wanted some dark red/maroon jeans for ages as this seems to be the staple colour coming in this season, and these ones fit really well and were reasonably priced. I'd usually go straight to Primark for coloured denim, but they let me down as their sizing was very odd, and they didn't stretch enough, where as I find these 'Yes Yes' jeans always good quality and the colour is perfect! And that I'd rather pay that bit extra for ones that I'd actually feel comfortable in. I loved the blazer as soon as I saw it on the sale rail. It's quite lightweight, but as it's getting colder outside and I thought it was the perfect cover up to keep my arms warm, and I thought it would jazz up a basic outfit. Also I could wear it during the day too as it's not overly smart. I'd also been wanting some wet look/studded leggins and grabbed these as soon as I saw them! Although having got them home I'm in two minds in weather I can pull them off, I'm not sure if they look really cool and different or I just look like a chav!
And now for my purchase of the day...
Heels - £14 (were £29.99)
The other night whilst I was out my wedge heels which I adored completley broke beyond repair! The straps just decided to break. I'd got them from eBay and only had them a few months and was gutted I had to throw them away as I'm quite picky about heels and how comfy they are, I always like to be able to last the whole night! I took a look at the shoes in New Look and came across these babies! I thought they were quite unusual and different from ones I'd usually pick, and I was looking for wedges really, but I really liked the chunky platform heel, and once I tried them on they were actually really comfy and easy to walk in. I'm so happy with them but I'm yet to wear them out, so we shall see If I fall over much in them!
I still need to take a trip home to pick up all my winter scarves and hats, then I think my winter wardrobe will be coming along quite nicely!