It seems like the weather can't make up it's mind recently. One minute it's stormy and freezing, and the next it's feeling like 20 degrees and you don't even need a coat. I find this time of year difficult to dress for, it's not quite warm enough to ditch the jumpers but I'm already planning my holiday wardrobe in my head!
From winter I now have a rather nice collection of ankle boots, although some days my feet get majorly hot, and I'm needing some transition shoes to get me through until it's proper sandal weather. I'm a big lover of those chunky shoes that are everywhere at the minute, and I found some perfect ones in New Look today. I still had a voucher to spend in there, and my housemate works in there so got me discount. They were £24.99 originally, but I got them for about £16! Bargain if you ask me.. (Thanks Becky!!)

I'm not really sure what to call them.. caged sandals? Are they actually sandals? I guess they are! I was tempted by the white ones, I think they look really cool on other people but the black ones where more 'me'. But they're lovely, chunky and I can't wait to wear them. I think they'd look alright with tights too, so hopefully I'll get quite a bit of wear out of them. It's nice to have got myself a little treat until I can shop again. As Easter is so late this year, it means my last student loan is still forever away. Sadly, the rest of my summer attire will have to wait!
Ellen xxxxxxxxx