Sunday, 28 October 2012

At a Loss

Hello there! The plan for a fun Sunday post today was to do a fashion post about my working wardrobe at Next. Unfortunately this has been postponed due to my phone being stolen last night with all the photos I took on there for it.. I will retake the photos on my camera when I have time!
I am absolutely gutted, and am so upset! I have been unbelievably stressed all day today trying to deal with orange, my insurance company and police lost property forms. It was stolen out of my bag whilst I was in revs last night, before I was having a rather good drunken night dressed head to toe as a zombie, complete with fake foot hanging from bloody bandages! Luckily I do have insurance on it, but it's going to take a while for it all to go through before I get the money back for it, which is a right pain. Seeing as I use instagram and my phone for alot of the photos on here, I'm afraid my posts may be lacking a little in excitement for the next few weeks, or will be a bit more bare, but I'll try my best. Boohoo! I have had the worst day - I just need a hug! It's crazy how much I use my phone, it's pretty much an extension of my arm most of the time. It makes me feel uneasy knowing i'm un-contactable for the mean time, and how much I rely on my phone for everything! RIP iphone of 2 years (and pretty glitter case..), you shall be missed.


  1. Hello! I've tagged you in my blogger tag post, if you haven't already done one! <3 xo

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that about your phone! How awful some people are! It's happened to me and my insurance policy was so stressful to get through! x

  3. Hi Klaudia! Thank you! I am kind of new to blogging, I will get on that right away! :) Thanks Rachel, it is a shame but so many of my friends have had theirs stolen in Southampton, it's full of some dodgy people! Thankfully my insurance has been sorted quite quickly and I'm getting a cheque in the post in the next few days :) x x
