You may have remembered a few posts back I wrote about Christmas jumpers. My craving to get one was almost too much to handle, I really wanted something really festive to wear on Christmas day, and knew a few cheap shops in Southampton sold them. The last weekend before the big day, I knew it was now or never.. The shops that stocked them were those really cheap tacky fashion shops that you always walk past without giving a second glance at, but they had an amazing choice of different designs, I was there for ages trying them on and deciding which ones I would actually wear, and which ones were too tacky for anything but Christmas day. I was so almost tempted by a jumper with santa on, but I settled on this one. I really didn't want to get a black one as my wardrobe is currently getting into a dark phase, but the red looked too garish for me! I thought the black was alot more subtle, and the fair isle and reindeer print made it suitable for wear until mid January I think! It's quite long, so it'll be really good to wear with leggings. I'm going to save this bad boy for Christmas day, teamed with wet looks leggings and some gold accessories. At the bargain price of £9.99 how could I resist!
It's cute right? I can't wait to wear it! Quite stylish too for a shop that sold furry bags..
This may be the last post of 2012 guys, so I wish everyone has an amazing Christmas day! :)
That is such a cute jumper!! Good find xx
Such a cute jumper, what a bargain! :)
ReplyDeletePip x
Hey, I absolutely love your blog! :) And that sweater :D
ReplyDeleteme encanta
This jumper is so christmas-y & cute! but most importantly it looks sooo snug.
// Nia bunny
Adorable sweater! I've nominated your blog for the Liebster Award :-) Please check my post here: